Ayurvedic Yoga Training

Ayurvedic Yoga Training! Four full-day Sundays: January 25th, February 22nd, March 29th, April 26th at The Bodhi Tree Studio, 3430 SE Belmont Street, Portland, OR 97214. 10am to 5pm with lunch at Tao of Tea from 1-2pm. $100 for one day, $300 for all four.

Learn to use yoga poses, focused breathwork and daily practices for seasonal and constitutional  (Dosha) balance. Expand your Yoga practice with a deeper understanding of Ayurveda and the three Doshas.

Instructors: Ann Wagoner and Susan Bass.

See: Ayurvedic Yoga Training 2015

Ayurvedic Cooking Class

IMG_1027Friday, December 12th, “Ayurvedic Cooking Class” at The Herb Shoppe, 3912 N. Mississippi Ave,  Portland. OR; 6-8pm. $35.

Learn delicious and nutritious seasonal cooking with Ayurvedic spices. Ayurveda is the sister science of Yoga, and teaches us how to eat the best local foods for the most balance. Enjoy freshly prepared Ayurvedic food for dinner, take home three recipes, and find some new ideas for holiday meals. We’ll be cooking Kitchari, Chai and Curried Butternut Squash.
Fall and winter are a time of increased coldness and movement (Vata), and sometimes snow! For best health, be sure to take time to slow down, chew your food thoroughly and have plenty of good fats such as ghee. Ann Wagoner has been practicing Ayurveda in the Pacific Northwest for the past four years. She is also a certified Yoga teacher. Learn about the nutrition to go with your yoga or exercise practice to augment your sattvic qualities.
When your daily intake of spices and food is appropriate for the season, disease can be prevented. Let your food be your medicine!

Ayurvedic Yoga Training

Ayurvedic Yoga Training! Four full-day Sundays: May 11, June 22, August 3 and September 21 at The Bodhi Tree Studio, 3430 SE Belmont Street, Portland, OR 97214. 10am to 5pm with lunch at Tao of Tea from 1-2pm. $100 for one day, $300 for all four.

Learn to use yoga poses, focused breathwork and daily practices for seasonal and constitutional  (Dosha) balance. Expand your Yoga practice with a deeper understanding of Ayurveda and the three Doshas.

Instructors: Ann Wagoner and Susan Bass.

Visit the Ayurvedic Health Fair on March 22nd from 10am to 4pm

fairPortland, Oregon hosts its second annual Ayurvedic Health Fair on Saturday, March 22nd from 10 am to 4pm at Tabor Space on 54th Street and SE Belmont. For the past 20 years, renowned herbalist K.P. Khalsa, author of The Way of Ayurvedic Herbs, has said that maybe this year will be the year that Ayurveda finally takes off in Oregon. All signs point to 2014 being a year of change in the Pacific Northwest.

Only last year, Seattle’s Bastyr University launched its Master of Science in Ayurvedic Sciences and became the first such accredited program in the nation. And the year before, NCNM hosted an Ayurveda Seminar Weekend with Dr. Shanbhag, Dr. Sodhi, Dr. Dhru and K.P. Khalsa. Ayurvedic Practitioners in Oregon plan to launch further programs in 2014. Come to the Ayurvedic Health Fair and meet practitioners from the region. Find out more about this healing system and how it can benefit you.  It is cost effective, pro-nature, holistic, safe and a complete diet and lifestyle system. You can boost your immunity, improve your digestion, find better sleep and less stress. Find out more about what Dosha you are and what simple tips could bring you in to balance. Guest speakers will present on how:

  • Food can be your medicine
  • Ayurvedic approaches to women’s health
  • Introductory tips from the secrets of Ayurveda
  • Diabetes can be addressed with Ayurvedic protocols
  • Yoga and Ayurveda’s combined benefits
  • Spices to balance your Dosha


The Spring Equinox is one of the best times of year for cleansing. Take advantage of the moment and bring the bliss within yourself to a fuller opening. The event is FREE. For more on tabling or directions, visit the Ayurvedic Health Fair.