Simple Healthy Ayurvedic Lifestyle Routines for Fall

Join the online LIVE Zoom webinar on Monday, September 9th at 6 pm!

As the seasons change, digestion needs a chance to reset. Having the right foods for our body and type of digestion, supports health in body, mind and spirit.

  • Tap into your joyful self with Ayurvedic recommendations for the best foods and spices for your type and for the season.
  • Discover guidance on balancing opposites: hot and cold, sharp and dull, oily and dry, liquid and dense, light and heavy, etc.
  • Explore wisdom from the ancients, including yoga postures and practices

Take the opportunity at the equinox for a gentle reset. By setting aside time for yourself for journaling, practicing mindfulness and daily self-oil massage (Abhyanga), simple things can be even more delightful. Enjoy a warm foot oil massage before bed to improve sleep and focus. Healthy herbal teas can also help the body detox and reset, boosting digestive, respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems. Staying hydrated and removing common toxins from the diet even for three days can start a profound cascade of alkalizing rebuilding.

Yoga is a unifying force that brings together the polarities of sun and moon. Rama Jyoti Vernon, author of The Practice and Myth of Sacred Geometry, says that Yoga helps us “Remember the oneness that already is.” This means yoga is also the releasing of the impediments that prevent us from seeing that we are all already one. We can practice the best yoga poses and breath work for each season and for each Dosha. A regular practice can also help us see the interconnection of all.

In the PCC class, you will also learn how to deepen your Yoga practice or take it to the next level. Would you enjoy incorporating Yoga or Ayurverda into your current work? Or, would you simply like some yoga-based strategies to support your health and well-being?

Learn how the Yoga Teacher Training and Ayurveda Health Advisor programs at PCC Institute for Health Professionals can help you become a nationally Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT), and support your career goals! We offer both a 200 hour RYT, and an Advanced 300 hour RYT. Become a 500-hour Yoga Teacher!

Join us for this informational webinar to learn more about both programs. We’ll discuss:

  • Role Yoga plays in mind-body-spirit centering and integrative healthcare
  • Our Yoga Alliance-recognized curriculum 
  • Ancient Vedic secrets incorporated into the program
  • Our instructors, who are experts and practitioners in their specific field
  • Program expectations for both the 200-hour and 300-hour trainings

Courses start each term, providing the foundational knowledge and skills necessary for becoming a Registered Yoga Teacher within the Yoga Alliance paradigm.

Throughout the program, you will learn Techniques, Training and Practice, Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle & Ethics, Anatomy & Physiology, Teaching Methodology and a Practicum.

Gain skills in how to teach yoga from your heart, learn and access resources to understand, develop, and recommend healthy yoga and breathing choices for your clients. Register now to learn more!

Improve Your Energy with Yoga and Ayurveda!

Discover how to break the cycles that may be keeping you in a rut. Now is the time to take the reins of your health and vitality back into your own hands!

As winter is melting into spring, this is a perfect opportunity to flow with the seasons and discover the joys of healthy eating, yoga, exercise and breathing. Promote gut-brain and lung-brain communication, and bring balance to your mental and physical outlook. Release any blockages that may be holding you back.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • How to identify foods and habits that contribute to the cycles of stress
  • How to reduce inflammation and toxicity
  • How to shift toward greater alignment and vibrancy

Create a personal healthy food and practice list for yourself, identify breathing practices and meditations for feeling your best. Spice up your life with new recipes and discover more about Ayurvedic herbs, and grow your momentum towards health, happiness and bliss!

We will also discuss professional Certification in Yoga and Ayurveda! Discover the joys of healthy eating, yoga, exercise and breathing.

Register with EventBrite!

Become a 500-hour Registered Yoga Teacher!

Add a 300-hour certificate to your training and become a 500-hour Registered Yoga Teacher! Winter term course is 1 of 3 modules required to prepare Yoga Teachers to train other teachers. Based on the Rama Jyoti Vernon yoga teachings and informed by Ayurvedic wisdom. Combination of didactic and experiential, and is closely woven with Ancient Indian Medicine. This program covers Teaching Methodology, Techniques, Training and Practice, Anatomy & Physiology, Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics and Practicum. Term starts January 10th, 2024. Find out more today!

Improve Sleep, Relaxation and Focus

Sleep is essential for our well-being, growth, and brain performance and health. Please join us Monday, December 4th from 5-6pm to learn ways to support deep, rejuvenating rest, supporting greater relaxation and focus.

Drawing from Ayurveda and Yoga traditions, you will discover the best essential oils, teas and breathing practices for the season to:

  • Deeply relax, improve sleep & calm the mind
  • Enhance your immunity and clear your environment
  • Experience improved respiratory health

We will also discuss professional certification in Yoga and Ayurveda! Discover the joys of healthy eating, yoga, exercise and breathing. Promote relaxation, good sleep hygiene and bring balance to your mental and physical outlook.

Learn to identify foods and habits that contribute to the cycles of stress, inflammation and toxicity. Begin to shift away from provocation to palliation of Dosha (constitution). Start journaling, meditating and building your healthy foods list. Learn about healthy foods, spices and breathing practices for winter, or continue your momentum in the directions of health, happiness and bliss!

Register with EventBrite!

Ayurveda & Yoga Autumn Reset and Teacher Training

Join the online LIVE Zoom discussion on Monday, September 9th at 6 pm! Wherever you are, seasonal and biological changes are happening as we head towards the Equinox. Ayurveda understands the importance of these seasonal changes and encourages basic dietary cleansing and simple self-care adjustments to support physical/mental health for the new season. 

Join Ayurvedic practitioner and expert Ann Wagoner to learn a simple protocol for cleansing and attuning. We will: 

  • Discover the benefits of a cleanse and prepare your body and mind for subtle yet profound changes 
  • Learn about what you need for simple changes and prepare to begin the process at home
  • Find out about new recipes for health and balance and we transition from summer to fall
  • Practice some breathing techniques and learn about Yoga shapes that are especially beneficial
  • Discover more about the Yoga Teacher programs available at PCC

You will also learn to deepen your Yoga practice or take it to the next level. Would you enjoy incorporating Yoga or Ayurverda into your current work? Or, would you simply like some yoga-based strategies to support your health and well-being?

Learn how the Yoga Teacher Training and Ayurveda Health Advisor programs at PCC Institute for Health Professionals can help you become a nationally Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT), and support your career goals! We offer both a 200 hour RYT, and an Advanced 300 hour RYT.

Join us for this informational webinar to learn more about both programs. We’ll discuss:

  • Role Yoga plays in mind-body-spirit centering and integrative healthcare
  • Our Yoga Alliance-recognized curriculum 
  • Ancient Vedic secrets incorporated into the program
  • Our instructors, who are experts and practitioners in their specific field
  • Program expectations for both the 200-hour and 300-hour trainings

Courses start each term, providing the foundational knowledge and skills necessary for becoming a Registered Yoga Teacher within the Yoga Alliance paradigm.

Throughout the program, you will learn Techniques, Training and Practice, Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle & Ethics, Anatomy & Physiology, Teaching Methodology and a Practicum.

Gain skills in how to teach yoga from your heart, learn and access resources to understand, develop, and recommend healthy yoga and breathing choices for your clients. Register now to learn more!

Spring Ayurveda Reset: Improve Energy & Clear Toxins

Just in time for the spring equinox and beyond, this Ayurveda talk on March 13th helps you set goals to release blockages that may have accumulated this winter. Discover the joys of healthy eating, yoga, exercise and breathing. Promote gut-brain and lung-brain communication and bring balance to your mental and physical outlook.

Learn to identify foods and habits that contribute to the cycles of stress, inflammation and toxicity. Begin to shift away from provocation to palliation of Dosha (constitution). Start journaling, meditating and building your healthy foods list. Learn about healthy foods, spices and breathing practices for spring. Or continue your momentum in the directions of health, happiness and bliss.

Explore ways that yoga, herbs, breathwork and ancient Indian Medicine (Ayurveda) can support your Springtime health goals and wellbeing. Questions are welcome!

Learn how the Yoga Teacher Training and Ayurveda Health Advisor programs at PCC Institute for Health Professionals can help you become a nationally Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT), and support your career goals! We offer both a 200 hour RYT, and an Advanced 300 hour RYT.

Register today for the Monday, March 13th webinar at 6pm on Eventbrite! Broaden your horizons today!

Gluten Free Flax Pinto Brownie Bites

Chocolate Brownie Bites

Vata: Decreases

Pitta: Decreases

Kapha: Neutral

Season: Winter/Valentine’s Day

For a special treat, I always love the Flax 4 Life Chocolate Brownie Gluten-Free Flax Mini Muffins —  but why don’t they have organic ingredients?  And for Chinese New Year (the year of the Rabbit), I was trying to find a sweet pinto bean recipe. And what brings it all together? Chocolate! Yes, this would be a treat to have one at lunch after your meal before 2pm. And sweet will reduce Vata and Pitta. But watch out Kapha and be sure to use palm sugar instead of jaggery. If you have a heart-shaped muffin tin, these can be great for Valentine’s Day and Ojas building foods. 


  • 2 heaping tbsp ground flax + 6 tbsp water
  • 1 cup cooked pinto beans (rinsed)
  • 1½ tbsp coconut oil, melted (or sunflower oil)
  • 3 tbsp almond butter (add to oil)
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • ⅓ cup cocoa powder
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • Pinch of pink salt
  • ½ cup sugar (brown/white combo or coconut palm or granulated jaggery)
  • 1 egg (or 2 tbsp apple sauce)
  • ¼ cup gluten free flour (tapioca, rice or sorghum or combo)
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp aluminum free baking powder


  • ¼ cup chopped pecans or walnuts + more for topping
  • ⅓ cup mini chocolate chips


  1. Preheat oven to 350* F, grease a standard sized muffin tin and set aside. Fill two cups with water.
  2. Mix together the ground flax and water in the bowl of a food processor and set aside for a few minutes. 
  3. Drain and rinse the beans. Add to the Cuisinart.
  4. Mix together the melted coconut oil and almond butter until smooth and creamy
  5. Add all ingredients, except the optional, to the food processor and process until smooth, scraping down the sides. Add them in order. Add a couple tablespoons of oil or water if batter is too thick and won’t blend
  6. Fold in optional ingredients until just incorporated
  7. Transfer batter to prepared muffin tin, using about 2 tbsp per slot and sprinkle with chopped walnuts or half pecan
  8. Bake for 20 minutes until the edges start to pull away from the sides. These are meant to be super moist and fudgy so don’t worry if they fail the toothpick test
  9. Allow to cool 5-10 before removing the brownies from the muffin tin

Pomegranate Kiwi Chocolate Cream Tart

Chocolate Cream Pie
Pomegranate and kiwi cream pie for the holidays.

Vata: Neutral

Pitta: Decreases

Kapha: Neutral

Season: Winter

Gluten free, white sugar free, dairy free yummy winter solstice dessert. Since this is made with coconut and nut cream, it can be combined with fruit. This scrumptious, alkalizing treat is a holiday favorite in our household. Choose your favorite in-season fruits to modify for different occasions.  


1 and a half cups dried mango pieces

1 cup raw almonds

Pinch of pink himalayan rock salt

2 Tablespoons maple syrup


  1. Blend first three ingredients in blender, then add maple syrup to create dough. 
  2. Line 8 inch round pan with parchament paper, put down one layer of crust. Chill in freezer.

Chocolate Layer:

2-3 oz Valrhona (or other) baking disks or chocolate

1 Tablespoons coconut oil

Quarter cup palm sugar

Quarter cup cup nut milk

1 teaspoon vanilla


  1. Melt first two in double boiler; then add rest of ingredients until all melted
  2. Remove from heat. Add vanilla.
  3. Spread quarter inch layer over almond crust. Return to freezer

Creme Layer:

1 cup raw cashews (soaked 2-3 hours)

1 cup coconut cream

2 Tablespoons coconut oil

One third cup coconut yogurt

Quarter cup maple syrup

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 teaspoon powdered maca root


  1. Puree nuts and add rest of ingredients
  2. Spread over chocolate layer

Fruit Layer:

Decorate with fresh pomegranate seeds, kiwi or sugar-free cranberry sauce (pictured).

Serves: 6-8

Preparation time: 20 minutes plus chill and soak time

© 2022 by Ann Wagoner

Ghee Recipe

Vata: Decreases

Pitta: Decreases

Kapha: Increases (in excess)

Season: All

Ghee is a basic of Indian and Ayurvedic cooking. It is combined with medicines to make Gritas that help herbs enter the tissues of the body more directly. It is an antacid that helps digestion and fattens the body, and builds the bone marrow, nerve and reproductive tissues. It is used to build Agni (digestive fire) and in traditional and Kerala Panchakarma. It improves the brain, eyes, liver and kidneys. It also helps improve memory. When combined with certain herbs it can even reduce cholesterol (guggulu). Never eat equal measures of ghee and honey by weight. If you don’t boil the ghee long enough, there is the possibility that it will mold. Be sure to boil the butter vigorously. I leave off the lid of the ghee jar until the ghee cools completely. Otherwise there is a possibility the condensation of water on the lid from heat could lead to mold. Healthy fats are a great way to help hydrate the body also.


1 pound unsalted, organic cultured butter


  1. Put room temperature butter in medium pot.
  2. Melt butter uncovered over medium heat until it foams and bubbles.
  3. Simmer 12 to 15 minutes until it smells like popcorn. White curds may settle and large soap-like bubbles may form (different than the initial foam). It may become very quiet.
  4. Immediately remove from heat when golden color forms to prevent burning.
  5. Set aside to cool.
  6. Strain through a cheese cloth in a strainer into a storage jar. Discard crusts and curds.
  7. No need to refrigerate.

Serves: Makes one half quart of ghee

Preparation time: 20 minutes

For Individual Doshas:

Vata: Warm ghee before adding to food

Pitta: Just a sniff of ghee can reduce Pitta

Kapha: Use in moderation 

© 2021 Ann Wagoner

Jar of ghee
Glass jar of ghee

300-hour Yoga Teacher Training

75 hour course is 1 of 4 courses required to prepare Yoga Teachers to train other teachers. Based on the Rama Jyoti Vernon style of yoga. Combination of didactic and experiential, and is closely woven with Ancient Indian Medicine. This program covers Teaching Methodology, Techniques, Training and Practice, Anatomy & Physiology, Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics and Practicum. Find out more today!